April 26, 2014

François Carlier on French television

Hello everybody,
Last year marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. I was interviewed by several French media. On Friday, November 22nd, 2013, a French television channel (France 3) had a short report on the Kennedy assassination and I was featured, having been filmed in my study a few days before.
I can be seen with David Lifton's book, "Best evidence" in my hands, just as in the TV documentary that had been done a few months before for another channel.
French journalist Philippe Labro, the man who was sent to Dallas that fateful week-end and saw Lee Harvey Oswald in custody and even talked briefly to Jack Ruby can also be seen in that short segment. By the way, he shares my conviction that Lee Oswald was the sole assassin.
Another author is also briefly interviewed. He is Thierry Lentz, a French author who mistakenly believes that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy.

March 1, 2014

documentary : "Les hommes du président"

Hello everybody,
Some of you may remember that I tried to make arrangements to organize some interviews with a few JFK-assassination researchers for a documentary, last year. The documentary was shot in Paris (France), Dallas (Texas), Miami (Florida) and Washington, DC over a ten-month period, starting in Novermber of 2012.
That documentary was aired on French television last November. So far only the as-broadcast-on-TV French version is available but as interviews in English have subtitles (instead of being dubbed) I would say that the documentary can be followed by a non-French speaker rather easily.
The film-maker has made a non-partisan documentary, neither "conspiracy", nor "official version". He only wanted to focus on the research community and the impact the JFK assassination had on some people's lives. I would like to stress that, though I am being followed by the film maker and am being seen and heard most of the time I had absolutely no part in the making of the documentary and did not even give an opinion. The end result is not what I would have done. Several interesting moments were cut out during the editing process.
Apart from that I must say I enjoyed traveling with the film-maker, visiting the historical places, being filmed on location and most of all meeting interesting people for some of the interviews.
On a personal level that journey was a fantastic experience and I am happy to have been lucky to live it. Needless to say I was thrilled to be able to meet people such as Gerald Posner, Max Holland, or Debra Conway, and I am proud to be in a JFK-assassination documentary with them. I just wish I had been able to meet more JFK-assassination researchers.
In the documentary you can see interviews with myself, French-journalist Philippe Labro, Jefferson Morley, Debra Conway, Max Holland, Gerald Posner, Nicola Longford and an unknown conspiracy-theorist by the name of John Braconnier.
Interviews with Mark Oakes, Beverly Oliver, Robert Groden and others were, sadly, left out during the editing process.
Here are the first four minutes of the documentary :

You can rent the whole one-hour documentary at this address :
